Sunday, November 4, 2007

Journal # 24 (BOO)

Many years ago there was a boy who name's was John. John always hang out with his friends until mid night. one night something very unusual happened to John. He just drove his friend to home at 2:30 AM and he wants to go to his home. He was drove near a big park that was in Sun street. Suddenly, he saw a little boy that sit under light near street. John stopped a car and went toward a boy that wear red hat and put his head in his nis and crying. John asked a boy what happened to him. A boy said to John he was playing with his friends in this park suddenly he lost his friends and didn't found them. John asked a boy if he know the address of their home. A little boy shows John a pice of paper and told John his mam put this address always in his pans packet. John said to boy he will drove him to his home. A little boy sit in the back sit of John's car. His home wasn't to far. After 10 min they arrived the street that little boy house was there. John said " OK, which one is your home?. A little boy with a big smile on his face that showes his happens said" this one with a green door" and jumped out of car and went toward the house. He opened the door and went inside. John smiled and land from car to close the back sit door,but he saw a boy forgot to toke his red hat. John toke a hat and went toward a green door.He push a door bell after the moment a old woman opened the door.John said "hi I'm just want to give you this hat that your grandchild forgot in my car. The old woman with wonder looked at the hat and said to John "Where did you find this hat? John said"I didn't found this i found your grandchild was lost and i drove him here but he forget to take his hat" . The old woman said to John" This hat was for my son ,his father was gave to him for his 10 birthday,the day of his birthday he went to play with his friends in the park that is near here,but he got lost and never came back". John was shocked and sit in his car and drives to home.

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